Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions regulate the access and use of this website and the full acceptance of them, so we recommend that you read them carefully.
This website is owned by ARQECO Unipessoal Lda, with fiscal identification number 516657160, and its headquarters located at Rua da Encosta, lote 30, São Romão, 2410-451 Leiria, with the email address info@sinceracoworking.com, from no won referred to as Sincera Coworking.
Purpose of Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions describe the legal conditions applicable to all users who access the website (regardless of how this access is made).
The use of the same implies and supposes the acceptance by the User of these Terms and Conditions.
Usage Rules
The user is authorized to view the website and reproduce it’s information exclusively for personal, non-commercial, purposes.
With the exception given by prior authorization, the user is not granted any license or right regarding the information on this website.
The user undertakes not to use the website in a way that makes it impossible or disturbs its normal operation and access by other users or in a way that may cause, directly or indirectly, any damages.
Specifically, but not exclusively, the user undertakes to:
Not to use the contents of the site in a way that is considered illegal, or in conjunction or association with images or other contents that contain pornography, violent acts or incitement to violence, illegal, unfair, obscene or defamatory acts towards any person and/or or goods or that promote racial or sexual discrimination;
Do not reproduce, permanently store or retransmit the content of this site without the prior written authorization of Sincera Coworking;
Do not use the contents of the site in terms that, directly or indirectly, violate intellectual property rights or copyright.
Do not change or remove any information on copyright, brand, logo or other identifying elements contained in the site.
Observe and reproduce any and all copyright notices or reservations or any other intellectual property rights notices or reservations contained in any information you view;
Not to modify, transmit, reproduce, distribute, publish, transfer, sell or otherwise use any information obtained on or through this site.
Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights on the website, as well as the information and content available through it, belong to Sincera Coworking or to the Partners who made them available.
The website is protected by copyright and other specific intellectual property rights.
It is expressly prohibited to copy, modify, adapt, distribute, publish, sell the website or its contents to third parties.
Any use of the website for purposes other than those authorized herein, namely, copies, total or partial, will make the User responsible, with the obligation to indemnify Sincera Coworking for all damages caused.
Responsibility and Risk
The content of this website is made available for the purpose of providing general information and does not constitute the provision of legal services.
Sincera Coworking excludes its liability for any damages that may occur related to the information contained on this site.
Privacy Policy
Users personal data will be collected and treated in accordance with the Privacy Policy on this website.
Applicable Law
These Terms of Use are governed by Portuguese Law.
For any question related to these Terms and Conditions or additional information, please contact us at info@sinceracoworking.com